Reusing Soil and Crafting Leaf Mold: A Sustainable Approach

Soil rejuvenation is a fundamental aspect of sustainable gardening. In this article, we will explore how to effectively reuse old soil without much effort, and how to create leaf mold that never fails. These eco-friendly practices not only reduce waste but also enhance the health of your garden.

Chapter 1: Reusing Old Soil Effectively

In traditional soil reuse methods, several steps are followed to prepare the soil for planting. Let’s break it down:

Initial Soil Preparation:
Begin by uprooting the previous crop, in this case, radishes, leaving the roots intertwined.
Remove any remaining plant roots.
Pour boiling water over the soil to eliminate fungal spores and insects.
Leave the soil in direct sunlight for one to three weeks to allow it to sterilize.
Soil Conditioning:
After three days, add soil conditioner.
Mix the conditioner thoroughly.
Avoid planting vegetables from the same family to prevent repeated crop failure.
Easy Soil Reuse:
The alternative approach eliminates the need to remove roots.
Simply leave the soil with the roots intact.
Add vegetable scraps and fruit peels.
Stems and leaves from various crops are also suitable.
Apply carus nc-r, a soil conditioner.
Sprinkle rice bran on the surface.
Finally, add more soil.
Additional Tips:

Continued on the next page



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