Pizza Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Preheat and Toast: Begin by preheating your oven to 425°F. While the oven is heating up, arrange the garlic toast slices on a baking sheet and toast them for about 7 minutes or until they’re lightly crispy around the edges.

Layer on the Goodness: Once the toast is ready, spread a generous tablespoon of spaghetti sauce evenly on each of 4 slices of the garlic toast.

Pepperoni Power: Next, it’s time to layer on the pepperoni! Place 6 slices of pepperoni on top of the sauce-covered toast slices.

Cheesy Bliss: Now, crown each piece of toast with a slice of mozzarella cheese. One slice per toast should suffice for now.

Double the Flavor: To amp up the pizza experience, add another layer of pepperoni slices and mozzarella cheese on top of the existing ones. This ensures every bite is bursting with flavor!

Complete the Sandwich: Take the remaining 4 slices of garlic toast and spread 1 tablespoon of spaghetti sauce on each. Carefully place these sauce-covered slices sauce-side down on top of the pepperoni and cheese, creating sandwich pairs.

Continued on the next page



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