Just mix coffee ground with hair cream; you won’t have to buy more from the store.

Get your ingredients—coffee grinds and your preferred hair cream or conditioner.

Combining one spoonful of coffee grinds with enough hair cream will cover your hair. Till you have a uniform texture, thoroughly mix.

Apply the mixture to your hair, paying especially attention to the roots and scalp. Massage carefully to ensure homogeneous spread.

Leave It On: Spend around 15 to 20 minutes letting the mixture rest on your hair. This lets the natural oils in the coffee work their effect as well as the caffeine.

Rinse your hair completely under warm water, being careful to get rid of every coffee ground. If needed, follow up with your ordinary shampoo and conditioner.

Finally Without spending money on store-bought treatments, adding coffee grounds to your hair care regimen can help you to experience the advantages of better hair growth, more shine, and a healthy scalp. Try this simple and natural approach to discover how different your hair will look.

Continued on the next page



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